“Tired of long commutes and suburban sprawl? Join the thousands of Individuals who work in Newark…Take advantage of the “Live Where You Work Program” and buy a home in Fairmount Heights.”

Fairmount Heights offers a new living & workspace

More and more homebuyers are increasingly dreaming of an urban lifestyle; the ability to walk their dog and two kids everywhere. Fairmount Heights' close proximity to Route 280, the Garden State Parkway, Rutgers University, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey; Essex County College and downtown Newark, allows you to ride your bike to work in less than 15 minutes, decreasing the total number of miles you'll drive per year.

It’s the allure of well-designed homes…

The completely remodeled three bedroom homes feature Energy Star appliances including a dishwasher, washer/dryer hook ups new boiler and central air. the floors are a mixture of tile, hardwood floors wall-to-wall carpeting.