“Tired of long commutes and suburban sprawl? Join the thousands of Individuals who work in Newark…Take advantage of the “Live Where You Work Program” and buy a home in Fairmount Heights.”

Fairmount Heights invested in the lifestyle amenities that people really want and use often...

Economic shifts are altering the structure of everyday life. Millions of Americans are beginning to rethink how they will work and live in the 21st century. As a result values, taste, personal relationships, choices of where to live, a sense and use of time are changing. Rising fuel costs and the increase in transportation costs far outweigh the housing savings.

Priced lower than some other renovated homes in Newark, Fairmount Heights is the “new” American Dream. It’s an Urban Pioneer neighborhood that offers a convenient location with the perks of suburban life. "It's an up-and-coming area," located across a 16 block array of homes of varying architectural styles and quality that combine residential, retail, cultural and educational spaces.